oceans aware: inform, inspire, involve
the more you know about the ocean the more you can do to protect and restore it
ocean + positive news for the ocean
This space is dedicated to good news: a lot of people are working hard to protect and restore the ocean and their stories should be celebrated!
Oleksandr Sushko/Unsplash
Marine biologists discover new sea slug species off Pacific coast
The Guardian, 13.11.24
Clem Onojeghuo/Unsplash
COP16 - High Seas Treaty receives largest ever private pledge
Oceanographic Magazine, 28.10.24
Nathan Sima/Unsplash
ASEAN, Beijing Agree To Avoid Conflict In South China Sea
Bernama, 11.10.24
Daniel Sessler/Unsplash
'Huge environmental win': Australia to Protect 52% of its Oceans, More Than Any Other Country
Good News Network, 10.10.24
Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash
EU Commission reaffirms stance against deep-sea mining in favour of marine protection
Environmental Justice Foundation, 10.10.24
Julia Fiander/Unsplash
Hope for coral reefs after IVF colonies survive record heat event – study
The Guardian, 18.09.24
Naja Bertolt Jensen/Unsplash
Plastic Bag Bans Tackle Ocean Pollution Right, Study Finds
Forbes, 09.09.24
Michael Benz/Unsplash
For the First Time, Part of the Ocean Has Been Granted Legal Personhood
Hakai Magazine, 06.09.24
Majkl Velner/Unsplash
Scientists Discover New Ecosystem Underneath Hydrothermal Vents
Schmidt Ocean Institute, 08.08.24
Vladislav Klapin/Unsplash
'Ocean of Things' robotic technology will transform ocean data collection
Earth.com, 31.07.24
Rod Long/Unsplash
Roots and refuge: the year’s best mangrove images – in pictures
The Guardian, 26.07.24
Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean
BBC, 22.07.24
Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash
Hawaii agrees to 'historic' settlement in youth climate case
phys.org, 21.06.24
Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash
Mitch Hodiono/Unsplash
Masayuki Agawa/Ocean Image Bank
In the Caribbean, Hammerhead Sharks Return to School
Hakai Magazine, 08.05.24
Karim Iliya/Kogia
Leon Overweel/Unspalsh
Jeff Hester/Ocean Image Bank
Blue whales: first discovery near Seychelles in decades – what our study found
The Conversation, 21.04.24
Calin Stan/Unsplash
Greece becomes first European country to ban bottom trawling in marine parks
The Guardian, 16.04.24
Milos Prelevic/Unspalsh
It’s a Golden Age for Shipwreck Discoveries. Why?
yahoo! News, 24.03.24
Tomoe Steineck/Unsplash
Josh Withers/Unsplash
Gray Whale, Extinct for Centuries in Atlantic, Is Spotted in Cape Cod
Good News Network, 08.03.24
Marino Linic/Unsplash
Deep-Sea Mountains Off The Coast Of Chile Are Teeming With Life
Forbes, 24.02.24
SpaceX launches NASA's PACE satellite to study Earth's oceans, air and climate
Space.com, 08.02.24
Marat Gilyadzinov/Unsplash
Richard Barnden/Unsplash
Deep-sea creature — with 5 elongated arms — is a ‘beautiful’ new species
Miami Herald, 22.01.24
Benjamin L. Jones/Unsplash
‘Ghost’ mangrove forests make ideal carbon-absorbing seagrass meadows
Geographical, 19.01.24
Timothy Dykes/Unsplash
Ocean fungi from twilight zone could be source of next penicillin-like drug
The Guardian, 16.01.24
James Thornton/Unsplash
Some Coral Species More Resilient to Climate Than Thought By ‘Remembering’ How to Survive Previous Heat Waves
Good News Network, 18.12.23
Maxwell Ridgeway/Unsplash
2023 in review: Amid growing ocean threats, a surge of innovative solutions
Conservation International, 14.12.23
Ranae Smith/Ocean Image Bank
Aquariums to be banned from buying cetaceans for display
Yonhap News Agency, 13.12.23
Nott Paera/Unsplash
Shipwrecks Found to Serve as Marine Life Havens, Study Shows
Mirage News, 23.11.23
Andres Canavesi/Unsplash
EU agrees to ban exports of waste plastic to poor countries
The Guardian, 17.11.23
Ellen Cuylaerts/Ocean Image Bank
Talia Cohen/Unsplash
New Caledonia protects 10% of its ocean
Oceanographic Magazine, 19.10.23
Yang Wewe/Unsplash
Coral reefs helping nation meet carbon goals
China Daily, 12.10.23
Naja Bertolt Jensen/Unsplash
Sponging Up Plastic Pollution
Hakai Magazine, 05.10.23
John Cameron/Unsplash
New engineered bacteria could destroy plastics in seawater
The Anthopocene, 21.09.23
Phoebe Dill/Unsplash
Five amazing ocean sites to make the first protected high seas areas
The Guardian, 15.09.23
Timothy K/Unsplash
Subtle Cinematics/Unsplash
Vincentiu Solomon/Unsplash
Scientists Find A Whole New Ecosystem Hiding Beneath Earth's Seafloor
ScienceAlert, 09.08.23
Killari Hotaru/Unsplash
UNIDO Supports Development of First OTEC Project in São Tomé and Príncipe
ecomagazine, 18.07.23
Manny Moreno/Unsplash
Great Barrier Reef: Australia to put in place urgent safeguarding measures requested by UNESCO
SevenSeas Media, July 23
Maël BALLAND/Unsplash
Benjamin L. Jones/Unsplash
How Blue Carbon Can Tackle the Climate, Biodiversity and Development Crises
World Resources Institute, 28.06.23
Naja Bertolt Jensen/Unsplash
UN Paris meeting presses ahead with binding plastics treaty
MongaBay, 09.06.23
Why we need to respect Earth’s last great wilderness – the ocean
The Observer, 04.06.23
More than 5,000 new species discovered in Pacific deep-sea mining hotspot
The Guardian, 25.05.23
Solomon Islands and Vanuatu holds historic bilateral meeting over its Joint-Maritime Border
Solomon Star News, 12.05.23
Stefan Andrews/Ocean Image Bank
The most mysterious forests on Earth are underwater
Voc, 03.05.23
Galen Crout/Unsplash
Maersk's First Green Methanol-Powered Container Ship Launched
gCaptain, 14.04.23
Vidar Nordli-Mathisen/Unsplash
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/flickr
Deploying drifters during The Ocean Race 2022-23 Youtube, 11.04.23
Max Lissend/Unsplash
‘It’s win-win’: how a dangerous sailing race could reveal the ocean’s secrets
The Guardian, 25.03.23
Dimitris Poursanidis/Ocean Image Bank
How Helper Sharks Discovered the World's Largest Seagrass Ecosystem
Science, Quickly, 06.03.23
Hoodh Ahmed/Unsplash
Tomoe Steineck/Unsplash
Machine learning makes long-term, expansive reef monitoring possible
Mongabay, 23.02.23
Andreas Schantl/Unsplash
Earth has lost one-fifth of its wetlands since 1700 – but most could still be saved
The Conversation, 09.02.23
Shane Stagner/Unsplash
An overlooked opportunity for kelp farms to double as pollution cleanup sites
Anthropocene Magazine, 03.02.23
Fredrick Filix/Unsplash
Quieter Ship Propeller Invented To Reduce Noise Pollution
Deeper Blue, 22.01.23
The acid test: legal moves to force action on climate change
The Interpreter, 19.01.23
Stepan Unar/Unsplash
European Mediterranean states to establish large marine protected areas
Euraktiv, 13.01.23
Nasa mission will give unprecedented view of Earth’s surface water
The Guardian, 13.12.22
Jakob Owens/Unsplash
Eddie Bugajewski/Unsplash
Observers to resume deployment on Pacific fishing vessels
Stuff, 09.12.22
Max Lissendon/Unsplash
Zero pollution and Biodiversity: First ever EU-wide limits for underwater noise
European Commission, 29.11.22
Jonas Allert/Unsplash
Electric pulses drastically cut number of sharks caught by accident
New Scientist, 21.11.22
Ibrahim Rifath/Unsplash
Shark fin trade regulated at last in landmark decision
The Guardian, 18.11.22
Anil Reddy/Unsplash
Beth Watson/Ocean Image Bank
Mangrove forest loss is slowing toward a halt, new report shows
Mongabay, 08.11.22
Catherine Kay Greenup/Unsplash
Whaling “A Part Of Our Past Rather Than Our Future” Says Fisheries Minister
The Reykjavik Grapevine, 02.11.22
Ray Aucott/Unsplash
The world's biggest marine reserve seems to be doing its job
National Geographic, 20.10.22
Swanson Chan/Unsplash
Chile uses hi-tech buoys to protect migrating whales
Reuters, 18.10.22
Alex Rose/Unsplash
A New Eye on the Deep Sea
Hakai Magazine, 05.10.22
Image courtesy of Expedition to the Deep Slope 2007, NOAA-OE
Battery-free camera designed to photograph the ocean’s deepest depths
Engineering and Technology, 27.09.22
Dr. Dwayne Meadows, NOAA/NMFS/OPR
Vidar Nordli-Mathisen/Unsplash
Emissions-free sailing is full steam ahead for ocean-going shipping
Horizon, 06.09.22
Rinson Chory/Unsplash
Scientists Have Developed A Possible Collision Avoidance System For Sperm Whales
Deeper Blue, 24.08.22
Nick Fewings/Unsplash
Rwanda, Norway launch coalition to end plastic pollution by 2040
New Times, 22.08.22
Craige McGonigle/Unsplash
The proud fishermen fishing for litter in our seas
BBC, 10.08.22
Graphic Node/Unsplash
Tracey Jennings/Ocean Image Bank
Scientists find 30 potential new species at bottom of ocean
The Guardian, 26.07.22
Human-occupied submersible Alvin makes historic dive
WHOI, 21.07.22
Josué Soto/Unsplash
How Tagged Turtles Are Boosting Tropical Cyclone Prediction
Hakai Magazine, 16.07.22
Brian Yurasits/Unsplash
Engineers create world’s first carbon-neutral cement out of algae
Free Think, 03.07.22
Giorgia Doglioni/Unsplash
U.N. Ocean Conference ends with promises. Is a sea change coming?
Mongabay, 01.07.22
Elisa Michelet/Unsplash
Gabriel Gabruirre/Unsplash
’Fantastic giant tortoise’ species thought extinct for 100 years found alive
The Guardian, 09.06.22
Vincent Kneef/Ocean Image Bank
Christian Palmer/Unsplash
This Pacific Island is protecting 100% of its ocean territory
World Economic Forum, 08.06.22
Crewless AI Mayflower docks in N.S. after a 40-day voyage across the Atlantic
National Post, 07.06.22
Matt Curnock/Ocean Image Bank
Artificial intelligence can track a coral reef’s health by learning its “song”
The Anthropocene, 01.06.22
Paul Einerhand/Unsplash
New collaboration establishes Joint Analytical Cell in major step forward for fisheries monitoring and enforcement
Global Fishing Watch, 31.05.22
Swanson Chan/Unsplash
For reef mantas, Indonesia’s Komodo National Park is a ray of hope
Mongabay, 24.05.22
Benjamin L. Jones/Unsplash
The Biggest Carbon Sink of All
The Anthropocene, 19.05.22
Arvind Vallabh/Unsplash
In a victory for marine life, climate, Biden administration cancels three oil leases in ocean waters
Environment America, 13.05.22
venti view/Unsplash
Whale-monitoring robots are oceanic eavesdroppers with a mission
Popular Science, 29.04.22
Nick Fewings/Unsplash
Francesco Ungaro/Unspalsh
jcob nasyr/Unsplash
Soren Funk/The Ocean Image Bank
UNEA launches negotiation of plastic pollution treaty
SDG Knowledge Hub, 10.03.22
Oleksandr Sushko/Unspalsh
Borderpolar Photography/Unsplash
Euronav makes whale protection measures mandatory for its fleet
Seanews, 21.02.22
Nicolas Encina/Unsplash
Renault and U.S. carmaker Rivian back moratorium on deep-sea mining
Reuters, 11.02.22
Karl Heinz Mueller/Unspalsh
Iceland to end whaling in 2024 as demand dwindles
Guardian, 04.02.22
Sebastian Pena Lambarri/Unsplash
Shark Fin Ban Petition In EU Reaches 1 Million Signatures
Deeper Blue, 19.01.22
Tracey Jennings/The Ocean Image Bank
Rare coral reef discovered near Tahiti by a UNESCO mission
UNESCO, 20.01.22
Dustin Haney /Unspalsh
Ecuador Expands Galapagos Islands Marine Protected Area
Reuters, 15.01.22
Li Fei/Unsplash
Gabriel Dizzi/Unsplash
Court orders Shell to halt Wild Coast seismic blasting
DispatchLive, 28.12.21
Đoàn Xuân Phương /Unspalsh
Nature Trust Malta welcomes ghost nets recovery initiative
Times of Malta, 18.12.21
Alin Anderson/Unsplash
Cop26 kept the world’s 1.5C limit in reach – now we will steer it over the line
Guardian Comment Alok Sharma, 23.11.21
Diane Picchiottino/Unsplash
Lobsters, octopus and crabs recognised as sentient beings
gov.uk, 19.11.21
Cameron Venti Phương /Unspalsh
Kris-Mikael Krister/Unsplash
Marc Newberry/Unsplash
Andrzej Kryszpiniuk/Unspalsh
The Ocean Cleanup
Stavrialena Gontzou/Unsplash
Unique underwater sculptures thwart harmful illegal fishing
Freethink, 10.09.21
Richard Barnden / Ocean Image Bank
4 Tuna Species Recovered After Decade of Fishing Quotas–With Albacore in Stores Being Truly Sustainable
Good News Network, 05.09.21
Sören Funk/Unsplash
How to fight microplastic pollution with magnets
BBC, 26.08.21
Thomas Kelley/Unsplash
Bumper Baby Boom For North Atlantic Right Whales
Deeper Blue, 16.08.21
Francesco Ungaro/Unsplash
Coral Nursery Installed On Spain’s Mediterranean Coast
Deeper Blue, 29.07.21
Naja Bertolt Jensen/Unsplash
Kristin Snippe/Unsplash
The Ocean Cleanup
Joseph Barrientos/Unsplash
Mat Napo/Unsplash
Teenagers Are Winning Climate Fights One Court Case at a Time
Bloomberg News, 17.05.21
Olga Tsai/Unsplash
Why we’re optimistic we can save our oceans
National Geographic 15.04.21
Benjamin Jones/Unsplash
This ship has no crew and it will transform our understanding of the ocean. Here's how
World Economic Forum, 30.03.21
Ocean optimism: Study says we can restore marine health
Mongabay, 09.04.21
Miguel Bernado/Unsplash
Jeremy Bishop/Unsplash
Oceans need protection now. A new blueprint may help countries reach their goals
National Geographic, 17.02.21
Benjamin Jones/Unsplash