oceans aware: inform, inspire, involve

the more you know about the ocean the more you can do to protect and restore it

ocean stewardship

Protection burden of proof not with NGOs of negative impact but with any activity before it takes place

Democratization of the ocean for current activity and digital twin for planning

creation of MPAs and HSMPAs

chemical composition (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide), chlorophyll, eDNA, acoustics,

Data on ocean collected by floats, satellite, sail drones, wave gliders,

AI to evaluate

AI on board vessels to monitor and view catch

movement of vessels AIS, VHS,

level of fish stocks (Wildlife Conservation Society) for better management plans

migratory patterns of whales to avoid ship strikes and sonar exercises

slow steaming to reduce ocean noise

observation of deep seabed mining activity, calls to control cleanup activity on High Seas

fishing gear to be tagged

Spotlight on Global Fishing Watch

Global Fishing Watch promotes ocean sustainability through greater transparency, using cutting-edge technology to visualize, track and share data about global fishing activity in near real-time and for free. Since 2018, it has been tracking AIS signals of fishing vessels and publishes a map with the position of all trackable commercial fishing activity, representing billions of publicly-broadcast Automatic Identification Signals from ships at sea.

Phoebe Dill/Unsplash